**Please note: this transcript was automatically generated. We're working on going back over this to clear up misspellings as we have time ... but as we all know, there is precious little of that** Travis: Hey, uhoh, I heard neither of you. Travis: Why? Chris: I didn't say anything. Travis: Oh, now I heard you. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: What about now? Travis: Now I hear you. Other Chris: Oh, my God. Travis: We're getting so good at this, you guys. Travis: Yeah, within the first 40 seconds, we're all hearing each other. Travis: And welcome back to Rtfb. Travis: This is Travis, and today, Chris, other Chris, Danielle and I are presenting a science fiction double feature just in time for Halloween. Travis: That's right. Travis: Today not only one, but two John Carpenter movies that, believe it or not, were actually based on short stories, so they technically qualify to be on Rtfb. Travis: Today we're talking about the thing based on the short story Who Goes There? Travis: By John Campbell, Jr. Travis: And they live based on 08:00 in the Morning by Ray Nelson. Travis: Quick note to those who like to read the source material first. Travis: Both of these seemed really hard to find, at least in the usual places. Travis: Or they were included in some collected Works type books which were out of print. Travis: But as always, your local library might be able to hook you up or. Travis: Have an ebook version or something you. Travis: Can rent and or there are PDF scans of both of these out there in the Internet tubes that you can find with minimal searching. Travis: Also, if you've never seen either of these movies before, like, stop this recording now and go fix that. Travis: I'm of the opinion that both of these movies are way better if you go in cold, so I don't want to spoil even a little bit of them. Travis: Both of them are on your streaming service of choice to rent. Travis: And right now it looks like they Live is free to watch on Tubi. Travis: The thing is on AMC Plus. Travis: And I'd also wager that The Thing is probably going to be playing on cable this weekend, so that might be worth investigating. Travis: Also, these are both classics. Travis: So again, your library probably has one or both to rent. Travis: Anyway, once you're ready, let's get back to my conversation with the Chris's and Danielle already in progress. Chris: And look, my magic band arrived yesterday. Travis: So lego typewriter magic band. Chris: Oh, nice. Travis: Real typewriter? Travis: Real typewriter. Chris: Llama. Travis: Yeah. Travis: And yes. Travis: Cats-- Or are they oh, my God. Travis: Have we seen these cats? Travis: Have any of the cats been alone? Travis: They've all been okay. Chris: Cats are flargins, right? Chris: I learned that from Captain Martin. Travis: Oh, yeah, that's right. Chris: They still have tentacles. Chris: They just come out their mouth. Travis: I've seen a couple of pieces of media about that. Other Chris: Yeah, I've been on the Internet. Travis: Best not to go into it. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: How's it going, you guys? Other Chris: It goes, yeah. Chris: Tough things, good things, all the above. Travis: Yeah. Travis: True debt. Travis: As same as it ever was. Chris: Yeah, unfortunately. Chris: I mean, we had peaceful times in the world and now we're going to have interesting times again. Danielle: I'm sick of interesting times. Travis: Seriously, I'd like a couple of years. Travis: Where not like once in a lifetime events happens. Travis: Wouldn't that be great? Travis: Yeah, that'd be pretty cool. Danielle: I don't want anything to be happening. Danielle: Just nothing. Chris: Just nothing is awesome. Danielle: Tired? Chris: I got a taste of that. Travis: My avaya today. Chris: My Sunday school teenagers were fun. Travis: Yeah. Chris: We talked about Jewish foods and what. Travis: Makes a food Jewish and what do. Chris: We think of impossible meat, things like that. Travis: Yeah, what do we think of impossible meat? Travis: Is it kosher? Chris: Well, that's the thing. Travis: It is technically kosher, but it can violate the spirit of kosher because the. Chris: Whole point we're talking about can you have an impossible meat? Chris: Technically, yes, you can. Chris: But it does violate the spirit. Other Chris: I just want to say that this is an incredibly Jewish conversation. Danielle: I just want you to know if there's rules about food, like, I am out. Danielle: I will have no rules for my food. Chris: Ours are actually a little I will say the one thing Islam did. Chris: Okay. Chris: It was like, we're going to borrow all this stuff from Jewish people. Chris: Oh, but your food rules are complicated. Chris: We're just going to say no pork plus. Travis: Yeah, you totally have food rules. Travis: Like what if you drop your hot dog on the ground? Danielle: The five second rule is bullshit. Danielle: Like, you get bacteria anyway, but I'm just going to go ahead and eat it. Chris: Well, I mean, you get on everything, right? Danielle: What if you drop it and then you dropped it? Danielle: There was still bacteria on both it. Chris: Doesn'T matter that hot dog was dirty. Other Chris: When you bought it. Chris: All that matters is do you want grit from the street on there or not? Travis: That's it. Travis: That's right. Travis: I usually ask them. Other Chris: Is that what they mean when they ask you? Other Chris: With or without? Travis: Yes. Chris: No. Travis: That's called a Chicago style dog, you guys. Chris: Yeah, I actually like Chicago dogs with that green relish. Chris: Oh, yeah, it's tasty. Chris: A Chicago hot dog is and the. Other Chris: Pepper life's great pleasure. Travis: It is, yeah. Chris: Sports chilies. Travis: Yeah. Chris: We ended up coming down on we came up with our own little thing of kosher intent and culture. Chris: So we can follow the kosher rules because some of us do. Chris: Leia, who's there, is the rabbi's daughter. Chris: They are kosher. Chris: They basically live like modern Orthodox, like most rabbis do, because that way a rabbi in the Reform movement and their family can have any Jew over to eat, so no one will get left out. Chris: So Leia does, but they're vegetarian for the most part to help kind of manage it all so they don't have to have like two of everything. Travis: But we talked about to be Jewish food. Chris: It can be kosher or kosher style. Chris: And that comes in with the culture and the intent. Chris: Because we talked about Jewish delis. Chris: Some survive and are still kosher, others are no longer kosher, but they still serve all the same stuff from 100 years ago. Chris: They just don't want to or can't afford to go through all the actual stuff to get certified kosher. Chris: So I would say then that's kosher style, and that's up to the individual Jew on whether they want to engage in that or not. Chris: If they feel comfortable doing that. Chris: I do. Chris: I'm not an Orthodox Jew, but I've done that when I did the food truck thing, like taste. Chris: And we made the falafel. Chris: We did the whole full on certified kosher thing. Chris: And that was interesting and time consuming and expensive. Chris: That was our highest expense, was paying the rabbi guy to be there with us while we made all the stuff and to wash everything for us. Chris: So it was kosher. Travis: Nice. Travis: So holiness costs extra. Travis: It does a lot extra theoretical for you. Travis: So if you have a pig no, not kosher. Travis: Can't eat that. Travis: But if an alien from space is trying to replicate a pig and you. Travis: Kill it mid transformation before it has. Travis: Cloven hooves, kosher or not kosher, got. Chris: To have the cloven hoove. Danielle: I don't know, like irresponsible. Travis: Unless you're. Chris: Turning it into a bird, it has to have cloven hooves and chew the cud. Chris: Okay, so that's why you have some animals that chew cud, but no hooves. Chris: Like camels. Travis: Not kosher. Travis: Someone. Chris: Yes, they eat camel in the Middle East. Chris: If you're a Bedouin and it's out there and it dies and there's no. Travis: Food, they don't have impossible burgers in the desert. Chris: Right. Chris: It's not common. Chris: They're much more likely that use camel milk to make cheese and stuff. Chris: But you can use the camel, too. Chris: We can't, but they can. Travis: Sound very appealing. Chris: I would try it just to try it. Chris: Like, if I ever make it to Central Asia, it's one of those countries where they do horse as the traditional meat. Chris: I'm going to try that. Chris: So I'll try everything once, and I'll. Danielle: Be careful what you eat. Travis: If it's given to me, don't eat. Travis: Any bats or anything from a wet. Chris: No, I'm not going to do that. Chris: Well, I would go to a wet market, but I'm not necessarily going to eat bat. Travis: I don't think I would do that. Travis: But might stay away from a wet market. Other Chris: I mean, it depends on how you're. Chris: Buying s*** in, like, a tank and other stuff there. Chris: That's all it is. Danielle: Wet anything. Chris: Where do you think your seafood comes from? Danielle: I don't eat seafood. Chris: A fish market, but yeah, gross. Travis: I don't do as young as food rules. Travis: Your food rule is nothing that swims. Danielle: That's just my preference. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So I'm saying everyone's got food rules. Chris: It was interesting, though, we had a good discussion on where foods our dishes come from because most of them are adapted from the cultures that were around us. Chris: But you just kind of adapt it to meet, especially traditionally, the kosher laws. Chris: And that makes it a food, right? Travis: Yeah. Chris: And it got spread around, and like in America, we get this great melting pot of, you know, that becoming uniquely American Jewish things. Chris: Like, we don't divide it all out because we don't need to by the like we all have. Chris: Like I said, I make safari haroset for Passover. Chris: It's delicious. Chris: Why not have it there? Chris: It fits the bill. Chris: It's better than the apple one. Other Chris: Yeah, I agree. Chris: It's fun to get teenagers talking about this stuff. Chris: See what they think and what their families do and how they feel about it. Travis: To have a conversation with people who are engaged. Travis: It was yeah. Travis: And not like, I don't know. Travis: The Vocab. Travis: Yeah, exactly. Chris: Not to go down that tangent, these kids are great. Chris: They're talking about their grades before we were eating lunch. Chris: They're like, oh, yeah, I've got, like, a 98 and blah, blah, blah, and I'm an AP this and AP that. Chris: And I'm like, oh, you would be my children if I had any spiritually. Chris: They're like, you're all doing great in school, and you were in AP classes. Chris: Perfect. Chris: They know the Vocab. Chris: Maybe not the Hebrew Vocab, but the English. Chris: No problem. Chris: Some of them do Spanish pretty well, too, I've heard. Travis: Nice. Travis: Very nice. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Well, not to rush things along, but we have a heart out today. Travis: Okay, let's jump into this. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So, quick survey of the group. Travis: Who here has ever seen these two movies before? Travis: Oh, me. Travis: Both of them? Travis: Yes, both of them. Chris: I've seen the thing before, but I had not had the pleasure of they Live. Travis: Oh, my God. Chris: Which I actually really liked. Other Chris: You f****** should have. Chris: Yeah. Chris: Now that I've seen it, I'm like, how did it take me until I was 40 to see this? Chris: Granted, it didn't come out till we were, like, what, like five or six. Travis: But still, how did you not see this when you were five or six? Other Chris: Yeah, exactly. Chris: I wasn't allowed to watch movies like this with that. Travis: Only rated R. Chris: Remember, Travis? Chris: I had a mother who cared about me and restricted these things from five year old men. Chris: Not that your mother said. Chris: This is a joke. Chris: I wasn't allowed to see these things, and I did great. Chris: So I was only exposed to them when I was ready. Chris: Yeah, I did miss out on some stuff early on because of it, too. Travis: I am almost positive that other Chris and I both saw it in Mike's basement. Travis: Both of? Travis: Yep. Chris: That seems appropriate from what I've heard of your youth. Travis: Yeah, and they're both awesome. Travis: Danielle, I'm sure you're a big John Carpenter fan. Danielle: I had seen neither of these, as I'm sure you both expected, right? Travis: Yeah. Travis: Which one did you like? Danielle: If any of them I mean, I was awake in both of them. Danielle: I didn't fall asleep. Travis: I expected you might not make it through our second one. Danielle: I had to make it through the second one because it was so ridiculous. Chris: Which was the second one. Travis: We did the thing. Travis: And then they live. Chris: And then they live. Chris: Okay. Travis: We did the seriousr one first, and then the sillier one after. Travis: Separate the cat, which I think is. Travis: A fine way to do it. Travis: It is. Chris: All I know is it's true? Chris: Is that the thing? Chris: Special effects hold the f*** up. Chris: Yeah, they really do. Chris: They are awesome. Chris: And that's what that's usually talked about, is that yeah, they lived. Chris: Message was great, and I was like, this is still completely relevant. Other Chris: There's just more s*** the message is put the glasses on. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Wake up. Chris: I loved especially how the money was literally labeled, this is Your God. Chris: Like, yes. Chris: It's still our god today in America. Danielle: Listen, everybody sells out. Chris: Yeah, most people do. Chris: Unfortunately. Chris: Sometimes you have to, to get what. Travis: You need among us has never sold their whole species out to an alien race for a couple of dollars. Danielle: All I want to say is, like, I want to be on the winning team, so whatever I got to do. Travis: I guess if there was an avenue, you could be in that group without looking like a weird robot thing, right? Chris: Formaldehyde face, muscle skeleton, a fleshless human with bug eyes. Chris: Yeah, that's what they reminded me of. Travis: Yeah. Chris: But just doing normal s***. Chris: I loved at the end. Chris: I loved at the end when that lady's b**** are flopping around, she's f****** this guy. Chris: She looks down, and it's one of them. Chris: He's like, hey, baby, what's the problem? Chris: Like, oh, my God, that's fantastic. Travis: More remedies need to reward you with an unnecessary sex scene at the end. Travis: Yes. Danielle: Well, we kept wondering where it was. Danielle: I was like, Where could it be? Chris: This movie is nudity because it's a graphic. Other Chris: Nudity. Chris: That's it. Chris: Right at the end. Other Chris: Nudity. Travis: That's it. Travis: Pretty great. Travis: So, a of all, did any of. Travis: You read the short stories? Travis: Yes. Travis: Okay. Other Chris: The one I read a long time ago, and the other one I read more recently. Travis: Which one was a long time ago? Travis: Who goes there? Other Chris: Okay, I read in college. Travis: Nice. Other Chris: But have not read since. Other Chris: I meant to and did not. Danielle: Is that what the thing is based off of? Travis: Who goes there? Travis: Yeah. Danielle: Oh, my gosh. Danielle: Why didn't anybody be like, who goes there? Travis: They almost did. Travis: That was driving me crazy. Travis: Like, who is that? Travis: Who could it be? Travis: I wonder who's coming over? Travis: I'm like, Just say the thing. Travis: I'm, like, very unsatisfying. Travis: Never said it. Travis: Yeah, I read them recently, and I. Travis: Just learned that they Live was based on anything at all, so that was a nice surprise. Travis: I like it when things randomly fit our Idiom and we can talk about, like, 40 minutes wrestling matches in the middle of movies. Chris: What was up with that? Other Chris: It's the greatest fight scene of all time. Travis: Yes. Travis: They might still be fighting as we speak. Chris: Maybe. Travis: Just never know. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So to kind of jump into it. Travis: So there's one guy we got to talk about for both of these movies. Travis: Aside from Keith David, is the director John Carpenter. Other Chris: John Carpenter. Travis: Good old John Carpenter. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: So he was born in 1948 in. Travis: New York and moved to Bowling Green. Travis: Kentucky, in 53 Downgrade and spent a lot of his childhood in a log cabin. Danielle: Oh, my God. Chris: I believe that I've driven through Bowling Green, Kentucky. Chris: There's not a lot. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Yeah. Chris: It's a good place to go to get away from civilization and to think. Travis: Of weird, creepy s*** to put on. Travis: Yep. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Isolation does stuff to you. Travis: Just him in his log cabin with. Travis: His synthesizer, coming up with s*** to do. Travis: Yeah. Travis: He's made, like, a billion cult classic movies in the horror action Sci-Fi genre. Travis: Like Halloween and Escape from New York. Travis: Big Trouble in Little China, one of my favorites. Travis: And the fog. Chris: Oh, really? Travis: Christine but, yeah, most prolific in the. Travis: Although I guess he's come out of semi retirement to kind of help consult. Travis: With the Rebooted Halloween series. Chris: And he did a thing on TV show recently on Hulu, talking about real. Travis: Life, like horror stories, essentially. Travis: I need to look into that. Chris: Like his name's on it. Chris: Like he talked to people or something. Chris: Like consulted. Travis: Nice. Travis: So yeah, he's also a music composer. Travis: Like, did a lot of the music, or at least co wrote a lot of the stuff in his own movies. Travis: Oh, okay. Travis: So that weird. Travis: Like Stranger Things, I think. Travis: Leans pretty hard into it. Travis: Like, synthesizer. Other Chris: Absolutely. Travis: For sure. Travis: And even notice that Hans Zimmer says he was a big influence for his, like I can kind of see. Travis: So yeah. Travis: Do you have a favorite John Carpenter movie? Travis: Other Chris. Travis: Oh, jeez. Travis: Well, I mean. Other Chris: I think that it is important to regularly revisit the sort of John Carpenter Kurt Russell trilogy of The Thing and Escape from New York and Big Trouble in Little China. Other Chris: Like three very different yes, yes. Other Chris: But all incredible in their own. Travis: He. Travis: Uh so what's the chronological order that Snake goes through? Travis: Is he escaping from York slash St. Travis: Louis to Alaska and then back to New York? Travis: Or keith david got out of there and went to wherever they were and then had to fight. Other Chris: These know I I do tend to see them as no there's there's no overarching head cannon there for I appreciate also that Kurt Russell's playing very different characters in all of them like and. Travis: Always does a good job. Travis: Yeah, exactly. Travis: Going on a limb. Travis: Kurt Russell's a pretty good actor. Travis: I don't know. Chris: All right. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: He's not bad. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Colonel Jack O'Neill, amongst many others. Travis: He was a planet once. Chris: Yeah. Danielle: Recently, I remember that seeing him in this movie made me realize that he was a pretty good choice for, like, Chris Pratt's dad because he kind of looked like him when he was younger. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So which book movie should we talk about first? Travis: Do you want to do serious, then funny or the other way around? Other Chris: Let's start serious, I think. Travis: Okay. Travis: All right, so let's talk about The Thing who goes there? Travis: Frozen H***. Travis: All right. Travis: Depending on where and when you read it. Travis: So this short story was written by John W. Travis: Campbell Jr. Travis: In 1938. Travis: Back in the day. Travis: No one was alive then. Other Chris: No one. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Yes. Travis: Also published as The Thing from Another World, depending on which magazine you read it. Travis: Yeah. Travis: And apparently was a condensed version of. Travis: A novel he had written before called. Travis: Frozen H*** that they found and published in 2019. Travis: Yeah. Travis: If you want to hear more about. Travis: It, I'm sure you can find that somewhere. Other Chris: I'm sure you can. Other Chris: Google will know. Other Chris: I may do that. Travis: Yeah. Travis: And it's been adapted into a bunch of different things. Travis: Like, this isn't the first time it's. Travis: Been a movie either. Travis: Like the first movie was back in the 50s. Other Chris: I've seen that one. Travis: I don't think I have. Other Chris: And it is I haven't seen it. Other Chris: Surprisingly not so different. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: The effects are much better in the. Travis: Yeah, that's what I was going to ask. Travis: Does anyone head get up and walk. Travis: Away in that version? Other Chris: No. Travis: Okay. Travis: No. Travis: Yeah, but it's been radio dramas, it's been card games, video games and everything like that. Travis: So this guy, John Campbell, Jr. Travis: Was born in 1910 in New Jersey and died in 1971. Travis: He went to MIT despite not graduating high school because he didn't get his French or Trig credits. Travis: Then he also didn't graduate from MIT, but eventually got a Bachelor of Science. Travis: From Duke in 34. Chris: Not too bad. Travis: Still. Travis: Yeah, not too bad. Chris: That's in my state. Travis: Duke. Travis: Yeah. Travis: And Duke sucks, apparently. Travis: Says the Internet. Chris: I don't know, they don't charge for a sucky school, so who knows, right? Travis: Yeah. Travis: Anyway, so he started writing at 18, wrote like a bunch of short stories and something like eight other novels, and also was an editor for a sounding science fiction magazine. Chris: Oh, okay. Other Chris: It's a big one. Travis: Yeah. Travis: He shared one of the very first. Travis: Hugo Awards in 53. Travis: Oh, cool. Travis: And the Wikipedia has a big section about how he was like a troll before the Internet was around. Other Chris: Oh, yeah. Travis: Likes taking the devil's advocate positions on discussions just to make them more lively. Travis: Go ahead. Other Chris: I was just going to say, I think a lot of Sci-Fi writers credit. Travis: Him with making them better yeah. Travis: As far as editing their stuff as an editor. Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: Pushing them to write differently. Other Chris: And I think if I remember correctly, he was actually kind of credited with turning science fiction more from a pulp thing to a more serious form of writing. Travis: Which is speaking of people who. Chris: Help s*** in my new citizenship country, hugo is from there. Chris: From the Hugo? Chris: Is that on your test? Chris: No, I didn't know that. Chris: I learned about that when I was looking this stuff up. Other Chris: It's going to be on the citizenship test. Travis: Yes. Chris: I wish. Chris: That would be an awesome question. Travis: Like. Chris: Did you know Hugo Gernsback was from Luxembourg? Chris: I did not, but now I do. Travis: Oh, it's not named after Victor Hugo? Chris: No. Travis: Oh, my God. Travis: I would fail this test. Chris: Victor Hugo is from the southern neighbor, France, as I recall. Travis: Right. Travis: Yeah. Travis: See? Travis: So, yes, Mr. Travis: Campbell liked taking devil's. Travis: Advocate positions in discussions, which okay. Travis: But also went on record saying slavery was probably good for black people because it gave him a higher standard of living and otherwise still, like, F***, that. Travis: Guy. Chris: Did it, though. Travis: He was just born a little bit too early to be, like, on the Florida Department of Education. Chris: I want to be like, you do know. Chris: Well, I guess you don't know that the people in Africa who were kidnapped to do that lived know buildings made out of usually mud, but unless they were living in straw huts or anything, like, they had a civilization going. Travis: Yeah. Travis: And it's hard to say here's what happened to them after we know all. Chris: Of their citizens took away their freedom and their self determination. Travis: What would have happened if they just. Chris: Hung out and just know wars but continued cool empires. Chris: That's what would have happened. Travis: Yeah, I saw it in the documentary Black Panther. Travis: It would have been great. Travis: Yeah. Chris: The Mali Empire was pretty impressive, actually. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So a couple of my thoughts from reading the book. Travis: First of all, the copy that I had must have been from a scan or something because it was filled with spelling errors and words. Travis: I'm like that's. Travis: Probably not. Travis: Right. Travis: But it's hard to find it anywhere except in big a** collections. Chris: Right. Travis: Anyway, I couldn't keep any of the characters apart except for McCready. Chris: Yeah, maybe that's on purpose. Travis: Well, that's a fair point, but I think it's because of how the style and the language were very dated, written in the late 30s. Travis: It was a lot of high pants, fast talking guys and a lot of things done in dialogue where I'm like. Chris: Oh, yeah, we don't know that anymore. Travis: I need more hints. Travis: Like, someone needs to have said this. Travis: Right. Travis: I'm not following. Travis: And just, like, long discussions about, like, well, I'm not going to stay up with this freaking alien. Travis: I'm going to have nightmares and stuff. Travis: But. Travis: I got the feeling they weren't sending their best scientists to Antarctica because in the book, they basically start having recovered the alien. Travis: Here's this alien with three red eyes. Travis: And tentacles and stuff. Travis: Let's thaw it out. Danielle: It's a good idea. Other Chris: Sounds good. Travis: Yeah. Chris: I think back then, since it wasn't quite as nice as our stations got later, it was very much like, you have to have a drive to want to go. Travis: Yeah. Chris: And that doesn't mean you were always the top in your field. Chris: But just that you wanted to go see this place. Travis: Yes. Danielle: This movie led me to believe that Antarctica is not really as cold as. Chris: It'S supposed to be. Travis: It is. Danielle: They were not wearing any amount of clothing. Travis: It is less cold now than it. Chris: Was in their summer. Chris: But even there, it's still pretty cold in their summer. Chris: It's warmer because I had to look that up since I want to go there because that's when all the tours run. Chris: So you can have some days where it's not freezing. Travis: Right. Chris: So if you're comfortable being outside with that for a while, then you're okay. Danielle: But just like walking around in his. Chris: Blazer jacket, that's still usually not recommended, right? Danielle: Probably should be dead, but whatever. Danielle: I guess sometimes. Chris: Hatless. Danielle: He looks cool. Danielle: Yeah, his hat was the main character, actually. Chris: I mean, you could do that if it's summer. Chris: In the daytime, you could not wear a hat and be okay to be cold. Travis: But in the book, one of the scientists is like, hey, we're not going to get like, a disease from this guy, are we? Travis: Like, no, we can't get diseases from. Travis: Fish and this guy's from another planet. Travis: It's probably great, let's just go. Chris: Turns out it's rare, but if it. Travis: Mutates, you could yeah, and who knows, right? Travis: Who knows? Travis: And they were really concerned about it, like, figuring out that birds existed and be like, oh, I could just be a bird and fly away from here. Other Chris: Oh, s***. Travis: So they do in the book, lock away what was his name? Travis: The one guy, pretty early on, the Wilford Brimley guy. Other Chris: Blair. Travis: Blair. Travis: Lock him in a room and just forget about him for a week and like, oh, s***, after all this alien stuff happened, we should check on him and he's know he's created an anti gravity machine and an arc reactor. Travis: They can kill him real quick before he flies away. Travis: But yeah. Travis: Anyway, the end. Travis: I thought the movie did a pretty good job of keeping the core of that short story in place. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So moving on to the movie, this came out in 82, although it was in some form of production since the mid 70s. Travis: Like, it got passed around to a bunch of different directors and writers. Travis: They filmed for twelve weeks in Juneau, Alaska and British Columbia, and refrigerated sets in La. Travis: So that's probably why he was able to just walk around and walking around in that a Snappy bomber jacket and his Ugg boots or whatever. Danielle: And his, like, hat. Travis: Oh, that was his Pharrell hat. Other Chris: Like a Canadian Matthews hat. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: Star of the star of the movie. Travis: Hold on, let me get my helicopter hat on. Chris: Yes. Other Chris: Everyone needs a helicopter hat, don't we? Travis: All yes. Chris: Like, I've never been on one, but I need a hat for it. Travis: If I was going to go on. Travis: A helicopter, I'd buy a special hat. Other Chris: Exactly. Travis: It had a budget of $15 million. Travis: And the box office was just under 20, although it was instantly panned as junk and visually repulsive by critics at the time. Danielle: Well, that sounds like well, they didn't. Other Chris: Know what that's why they were talking about. Chris: Yeah. Travis: I feel like they maybe overreacted be like, yeah, that looks really gross. Chris: Critics had different back then. Travis: Yeah, that was the point, though. Travis: Like, it's supposed to look really gross. Chris: They didn't have gross s*** like that. Chris: Like, to that degree. Travis: Yeah. Travis: And, like, a lot of things around this time, once it came out on home video, everyone's like, I'm going to watch this every day. Chris: Yeah, I remember seeing tons of worn copies of the thing floating around. Travis: Yeah. Chris: I didn't have it, but everybody else did. Chris: And it was always at Blockbuster. Danielle: Yeah, it's probably in that $5 bin. Travis: Probably is. Travis: Yeah, I bet it is. Travis: Also, random note, if you type that into Google, it does some random s***. Travis: With, like, snowflakes and people. Travis: I don't know what else is important. Travis: About that, but I kept seeing it scroll across my page when I was doing research. Travis: So try that out. Travis: Okay. Chris: That's exciting. Travis: Totally, right? Travis: Yeah. Travis: So we kind of talked about it already, but the reason I think it has this cult classic status is because of all of the practical effects and kind of the serious way they set up a kind of silly story. Chris: But the drama in it's pretty good, too. Chris: Like, they set up the we don't know who the f*** the Thing is. Chris: Who's the Thing pretty well, so it might not be the perfect movie, but it's pretty good at what it does. Chris: Yeah, I think that helps. Other Chris: Sowing seeds of distrust. Travis: Yes. Travis: And that was I think the best edit they made in the movie was the book opens where they're looking like, this is an alien, you guys. Chris: Right? Travis: I hope nothing bad happens where in the movie you get the helicopter chase of the dogs. Travis: And I'll say for Danielle's credit, she was like, Is that dog the Thing? Chris: At the moment, it was, yeah. Other Chris: Why are they shooting that bad dog? Danielle: We wouldn't have had all this problem if those guys had just been better shots to begin with. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Freaking Norwegians. Travis: Come on, guys. Chris: I thought you had fun. Chris: If you watch the second one, the newer one, that's also kind of a reboot, even though it's a prequel. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Then you get the, hey, look, here's an alien in the ice. Chris: Should we dig this up? Travis: Oh, yeah, because the remake was supposed. Chris: To be about the Norwegian team. Chris: Yeah. Travis: I never saw that. Chris: I did. Travis: Was it worth it? Chris: Okay. Chris: You should see it once just to see it. Chris: Yeah, it's got Mary Elizabeth Winstead in it, so you can't go wrong. Danielle: That doesn't sound like a review for Danielle. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Just danielle. Other Chris: Watch, watch. Other Chris: Big problem. Other Chris: Little shine ends. Travis: Oh, even better. Travis: Yes. Chris: That's the better choice between. Travis: The two. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Between New Thing and yeah, go with that one. Travis: I also liked it know, this was back in the days when all the credits were before the movie started and the only person billed was Kurt Russell. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: I was like, I guess he's the only one in it. Travis: Daniel's like one man show. Travis: It's like, just him in. Chris: I was surprised watching movies from the 90s, how long that stuck around. Chris: Yeah, like half your credits before the movie when it's starting and half at the end. Chris: So used to them not just being at the end. Chris: I'm like, Wait, this lasted until like, 96. Travis: I like it. Travis: I want an overture in movies again. Other Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: I mean, it still catches you off guard if you're watching a movie from like, the 40s yeah. Chris: Where literally all the credits, everything's in. Other Chris: All of that, and all you get is like a little the end. Travis: Basically. Other Chris: It's done. Chris: And you might get a here's who they played if they didn't do that beginning. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Like, they're like, this is them and them and like, over. Travis: Go home. Chris: Or the next one's coming on soon. Travis: Right. Travis: If you fell asleep. Travis: We're going to start the newsreel again. Travis: Go back into it and get all the trailers. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Even though we don't need them. Chris: I kind of wish we still had newsreels. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Or that would be fun. Travis: Newsreels and cartoons. Other Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: Need more cartoons. Chris: Definitely. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Disney has done okay with putting the shorts and stuff. Travis: Disney and Pixar before their movies. Travis: But I want, I don't know, like. Travis: Heavy Metal or something before a Carpenter movie. Travis: Like something like that. Chris: Right? Chris: Yeah, that'd be appropriate. Travis: I want to see dragons and the bikini ladies. Travis: And then watch my horror movie. Chris: Awesome. Other Chris: Rocking boobage. Travis: Exactly. Chris: Yeah, that would be right. Chris: A good match for it. Travis: So I guess this was supposed to take place in the 80s also because they had that Apple Computer playing chess on. Travis: I like the green screen with its perfect speech function. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: Then he just ruined it. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: You can't get that fixed, man. Travis: You're in Antarctica. Travis: Abuse. Other Chris: Like that's a time somebody wants to play chess, they're just going to be s*** out of luck. Danielle: I'm sorry that you suck at chess, but you didn't ruin it for the rest of it. Travis: Yeah. Chris: You got to wait till the resupply missions after the winter. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Bring me another mac, please. Chris: They will. Chris: Governments fund those things pretty well. Chris: Keep the people there happy so they'll. Travis: Get you one later. Danielle: Did they ever tell us what they were researching? Danielle: What were they doing there? Chris: Probably ice cold for Americans. Chris: It was probably science. Chris: And then maybe spying on the Soviets somehow. Chris: Oh, because the Soviets had a base. Chris: That's right. Chris: If you go there now, you can go see the old Soviet base because it has this plastic bust of Lenin out there that they put out that's been, like, sun warped and colored and s*** and pretty fun to look at. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Okay. Travis: Weird. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Probably spying on the Soviets when they weren't doing ice cores and whatnot. Chris: I don't know what the Norwegians would have been doing. Chris: Just ice cores. Travis: Who knows? Travis: Probably. Travis: And that's how they found that spaceship. Travis: Yeah, it so yeah, and they're like. Travis: Let'S bring this back, guys. Chris: Right? Travis: Yeah. Travis: And then Norwegians fly in and are shooting at a dog. Travis: And I think it's really bold of that guy to break his window to join the gunfight in Antarctica. Danielle: Well, this is fine. Danielle: Let the air in, I guess. Danielle: We'll breathe to death. Chris: We're not going to need to do anything about this later. Danielle: We never went back to the broken window. Travis: You're not at the okay corral, buddy. Travis: Just open mean. Chris: Shoot. Other Chris: It wasn't the only broken window in the movie. Travis: True. Other Chris: And they just probably had doors, windows, whatever. Travis: Do what you will. Danielle: None of us are getting out of here. Travis: It's fine. Other Chris: Yeah, exactly. Travis: Yeah. Chris: I forgot that about John Carpenter movies, because I don't watch them very often. Travis: Oh, what? Chris: Like, those ones particularly? Chris: They don't have happy endings? Travis: No. Travis: Oh, no. Travis: Not interested in that. Danielle: I liked it. Danielle: I thought it was a good ending. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: Bye, guys. Danielle: Don't bring any of that back to us normal folks. Chris: Basically, we're going to wait here to. Danielle: You guys made the mistake of bringing that s*** back to our own lab. Danielle: You should have left it there and not infected your whole should have let. Chris: The Norwegians kill the dog, I guess. Danielle: Bad life choice. Chris: They knew what it was. Travis: Yeah. Travis: And, like, side note, this movie f****** hates dogs. Travis: Unfortunately. Travis: That was poor dogs. Danielle: We didn't need to kill every dog. Travis: They're getting, like, eaten and strangled and Mercy killed. Chris: I don't know if they're the thing or not. Travis: Yeah, I know, but come on, man. Travis: Yeah, not cool, but yeah, I also, like, again, in the movie, the scientists are like, well, here's a weird looking, like, split in half person. Travis: Start an autopsy. Danielle: Dig around in there. Travis: Cause of death, eldritch horror. Danielle: This looks like normal organs to me. Danielle: It's like, well, you're doomed. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Aside from the vessel they're contained in, they look like pretty normal organs, I guess. Travis: Got it from a f****** Resident Evil boss. Travis: It's fine. Danielle: Like, that guy was obviously infected immediately after digging around in that s***. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Oh, man. Travis: Can you imagine smoking, like, a Cheech and Chong level of marijuana? Travis: Like, that one guy? Travis: And then seeing that dog monster? Chris: Oh, my God. Travis: No. Other Chris: If you're going to see something like that, you might as well have that sort of blunted psychological buffer. Other Chris: Yeah, that's true. Other Chris: Everybody was drunk, right? Other Chris: What else are you going to yeah, exactly. Travis: They had one pinball machine. Danielle: They had a billiards table. Travis: They had some poker or something you. Chris: Play cards for months on. Travis: They had a recording of let's make. Travis: A like, how many times can you rewatch? Danielle: Anyone turn it off before the end? Chris: It gets pretty boring. Chris: Speaking of Antarctica, I don't know if you saw this, Travis, or if you're still friends with Julia Gallagher on Facebook, but she shared a couple of months. Travis: Ago pictures from when her dad was. Chris: Stationed in Antarctica with the Air Force. Travis: Wait, what? Chris: In the late 60s. Chris: Early seventy s. Chris: I didn't see that. Chris: Yeah, it was pretty neat. Chris: There was like picture of them. Chris: They had like a tiki party inside their base. Travis: Was she ever there by herself? Travis: Did people keep track of her the whole time? Travis: Might her dad be a thing? Chris: No, her dad. Travis: Was her dad a thing? Travis: I don't know. Chris: Thankfully. Danielle: If it got out, was we like 27,000 hours and everyone would be infected? Danielle: We'd all be we'd all have a. Chris: Bad it would have been a long time ago. Chris: Yeah, but it's neat to see that drunk all the time. Travis: That felt like a long time to me. Travis: Like 27,000 hours. Travis: I mean, I guess the whole world would take a little while, but let's see. Chris: We can Google that. Chris: How many days is 27,000 hours? Danielle: Good amount of days? Travis: It's a couple of years. Chris: Number third selection. Chris: People have been googling this. Danielle: What, other people are watching this movie? Chris: People are watching the thing. Chris: What's the answer? Chris: 1125 days. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: So, like, a little over three years. Travis: I guess it would have been delayed because it doesn't want to replicate anybody. Chris: 3.8 years unless it's alone. Danielle: That's quick math. Travis: You're smart. Travis: You are smart. Chris: Oh, I calculated that s***. Chris: I don't know math. Chris: Come on. Travis: Yeah, but yeah, like you were saying, they're talking about how, like, oh, we're going to win the Nobel Prize. Travis: Like in what? Danielle: Yeah, engross. Travis: In f***** up s***. Other Chris: They'll make a new Nobel Prize for it. Travis: Just like yeah, the what the f***? Travis: Miscellaneous. Other Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: Got the missile digging s*** out of the ice. Travis: Yeah. Travis: I also wondered, like, are flamethrowers standard issue for science facilities? Chris: For American ones? Travis: Yes. Travis: All that dynamite, that can be good. Chris: For their core taking. Other Chris: Yeah, sure. Chris: Again, all this points to really spying on the Soviets and trying to disrupt whatever they're doing in Antarctica, right? Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: I mean, the real question is, when we have a moon base and stuff, are there going to be flamethrowers there? Travis: I think you have to upgrade to lasers if you're going to be in space. Chris: Yeah, I don't know. Other Chris: I feel like flamethrowers have to have to be involved. Other Chris: Wherever people are, flamethrowers need to be, too. Travis: There's always going to be a need for you to project fire, like, a couple of yards. Travis: That. Other Chris: I don't I don't know why that's so difficult for people to understand. Other Chris: Like, let me have a flamethrower, God d*** it. Chris: Right. Travis: So Sharon said no, is what you're telling me? Chris: Yeah, that's what's supposed to be making what's it Elon Musk supposed to be making an easy flamethrower for us as a joke or something. Danielle: I don't think that you want anything. Other Chris: That yeah, I wouldn't trust it. Danielle: He's not so good at things. Travis: Yeah. Travis: No, f*** that guy, too. Travis: I thought young Keith David looked a lot like Chappelle. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Yeah. Travis: At least with his mustache that way. Travis: Yeah, I would. Travis: And, like, I know that he didn't hear Wilfred Brimley say it about how if anyone goes off on their own, they're in danger. Travis: But McCready was constantly sending people on solo missions. Travis: He's like, you go get the thing. Travis: Just you. Chris: Right? Travis: Everyone else is going to stay here. Danielle: He wasn't a very good leader. Travis: Well, he was drunk the whole time. Travis: And sleep deprived. Travis: Yeah, drunk and sleep deprived from the minute it started. Travis: Because he was about to turn in after his browsing game of chess. Travis: And that's when all the trouble started. Danielle: Didn't get to go take his nap. Chris: Didn't get to no. Travis: Poor guy. Travis: Yes. Travis: So what do we think? Travis: There's a debate. Travis: Was Child still human at the end? Chris: I don't know. Travis: Does it even matter? Chris: Not if it gets stuck there. Travis: Yeah. Travis: They're both just dead. Travis: I feel like he was like, we'll just wait this out because then we'll. Travis: Just both be dead. Chris: Right. Travis: And then it won't matter anymore to go. Danielle: Because they burned everything down. Danielle: And it was Antarctica. Chris: Yeah, well and the general consensus was you couldn't really let it get out. Travis: Right. Chris: If you got to the point where it did, you just have to stay there and you die along with it. Travis: Right? Travis: Yeah. Travis: Which would have been the right answer. Danielle: He went down with his ship. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Basically. Travis: I think the Quaker Oats guy had it figured out. Travis: It's like, I have to murder everybody. Travis: The only way to be sure from orbit. Chris: Right. Travis: But yeah, there's been a whole thing I've seen on message boards forever about. Travis: How at the end, McCready, you can see his breath, but Childs, you can't. Travis: And that proves that he was an alien. Travis: Or the light just wasn't hitting it. Travis: Right. Travis: And so you couldn't see it either, and that was just, like, a coincidence. Danielle: Why wouldn't it have breath? Travis: Because it's an alien. Travis: It's an alien, bro. Chris: It might not be warm blooded. Danielle: That's not an agreed upon stereotype for aliens. Danielle: Believe that. Travis: But okay, maybe it had gills secretly, maybe, or something. Travis: I also saw someone say that maybe he had put the kerosene in the. Travis: Whiskey bottle and he was able to. Travis: Drink it and not make a face. Travis: And then the alien also drank it and didn't react. Travis: Like, I feel like you're stretching, guys. Travis: Yeah, right? Danielle: They put way too much thought into this. Danielle: Just like, whatever. Travis: Yeah. Travis: The end. Danielle: They're dead. Travis: They are dead. Travis: Which of the forms of the monster was coolest? Travis: Danielle was coolest. Travis: Or most impressive? Travis: I guess. Danielle: They'Re all, like, hideous. Danielle: I kind of like that. Danielle: The one guy was like, I'm going to be this alien. Danielle: Then we burned him. Danielle: But my head is loose. Danielle: And now it's a head spider. Other Chris: Yeah, head spider is the best. Other Chris: That whole sequence of the head falling off and it's still articulating. Other Chris: Like, its mouth is still moving and. Travis: Doing s*** while it's like and then yeah. Other Chris: Little creepy crab legs and eye stalks popping out. Travis: So cute. Danielle: What was great is that they're like, let's do the emergency procedure. Danielle: Oh, God. Danielle: It's eaten my hand stomach. Travis: Yes. Chris: That was fun. Chris: I liked that one. Chris: That was good. Danielle: That guy had a special alien encounter, I guess, to have it do that. Danielle: The other ones were not, like that didn't come out of the belly. Travis: Yeah. Travis: You ever seen a belly that could eat you? Danielle: I also didn't believe the dog as the thing. Danielle: Like, he's a good boy. Danielle: I didn't believe him as a thing. Travis: The dog had some amazing acting in this movie. Travis: He was so intense. Danielle: Yes. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Probably looking at a sausage link off looking at a wall. Travis: He was very focused. Danielle: I would give the Academy Award to the dog. Travis: Chris, did you have a favorite form. Travis: Of this crazy alien? Chris: I mean, head spider. Danielle: Head spider. Chris: I enjoyed the stomach mouth scene, but head spider is the best. Chris: Creepiest part. Travis: Agreed. Travis: Those stalks on the head, that was second. Chris: Yeah, but head spider chasing, like, running around. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Freaky. Travis: I liked Demigorg and Dog Monster again. Travis: You can see some strong influence there in Stranger Things. Danielle: Yeah, it did. Travis: But yeah. Travis: It's a guy being like, okay, what the f***? Travis: When that head rolled away. Chris: Right. Travis: You spoke for all of us. Chris: Yeah. Travis: Well, any other thoughts on the thing. Travis: Before we switch gears? Chris: Just a classic. Chris: Everyone should see it. Travis: Everyone should see it. Danielle: Maybe just once. Chris: Yeah, just watch it again. Travis: No, that's fair. Chris: But everyone should see it, so no, totally. Chris: Exam. Travis: If you have any interest in horror movies at all, like, you must see the thing. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: It didn't seem like horror to me. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: Because I don't like horror movies. Travis: Well, it's more yeah. Travis: Like, gross. Travis: It was, like, Sci-Fi and paranoia based. Danielle: I did enjoy it more than Space Odyssey, though. Travis: That's totally fair. Danielle: So there's. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: But I wouldn't watch either of them again. Travis: What if Howell had been decapitated and turned into a head spider? Danielle: Who? Travis: I'm sorry, Dave. Chris: In Dave odyssey. Chris: I can't do that, I don't think. Danielle: It was just so boring. Travis: To this day, you just cannot let one recording go without Dunking on 2000. Danielle: Don't watch it. Danielle: It's horrible. Chris: Trippy space stuff and giant space, baby. Travis: Anyway, terrible. Travis: So speaking of widely recognized classics, let's go over to they Live. Danielle: I didn't even know this was a thing. Danielle: Oh, my God. Chris: I came here to chew bubble gum and kick a**. Chris: I'm all out of bubble gum, man. Danielle: First of all, like, great job on the casting. Danielle: That guy. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: That was a quality wrestler actor. Chris: He was a quality wrestler back then. Danielle: Rod, with his clothes on, he didn't look like a wrestler because he kind of looked like a skinny guy. Danielle: And then he took his shirt off. Danielle: I'm like, oh, okay. Travis: Yeah. Chris: You're like, oh, I see it. Danielle: I see how he and then some. Chris: Of them wrestling moves he used in the fight in the alley. Danielle: Oh, man. Other Chris: Was this the graphic nudity or no. Chris: No, that's the booze. Danielle: Pretty graphic sexual activity. Danielle: Just these two guys. Travis: It was pretty erotic. Chris: The forever fight. Chris: I don't understand why he's so vehemently against just putting on the glass. Danielle: I know. Chris: Humor your crazy friend out here and put on the f****** glass. Travis: I think at first he's like, this guy is like crazy, and I need to go back to my family. Travis: That's fine. Travis: Then it just becomes stubborn, I guess. Travis: Yeah. Travis: But I'm like, what's it going to. Chris: Hurt you to humor your crazy friend here? Chris: Put them on and go, oh, yeah, but okay, I see. Chris: And then we'll go home. Danielle: Well, after they were, like, fighting, I feel like it was like they didn't even know what they were fighting about anymore. Danielle: It's like, seriously, just like our child, like, digging our heels in. Danielle: Because this is what I decided I want to do. Danielle: And at the end, what were we even doing this for? Chris: You have to be the one that wins. Chris: That's it. Chris: That's what comes down to it. Danielle: Travis said this is what guys do. Danielle: And I'm like, in, this is how. Travis: We do. Chris: We do that sometimes. Danielle: Not going to be needed on this planet. Danielle: We women will take over. Travis: Sometimes you have to have WrestleMania with. Chris: Your friends blessed enough to be able to fight physically. Chris: But I did the same thing with words. Chris: I will be right by the end of this, no matter what. Travis: I don't even care what the thing we're arguing about is anymore. Chris: I'm just going to not anymore. Chris: I'm going to be right. Travis: Yeah, exactly. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So I will say, like, when I found out that there was a short story that this movie was based on, I'm like, what is this going to be like? Travis: That they made this movie out of it and having read it yeah, it 100% makes sense. Travis: This is exactly the movie they needed to make out of that short story. Travis: Yeah. Travis: It's six pages long. Danielle: Oh, my god. Danielle: We watched that much of a movie. Travis: That's why so much of the movie was Roddy Piper staring at things. Danielle: Like a third staring, third fighting, and then a third, like the. Travis: Like so it was like a creative writing assignment, basically. Travis: And it was written with that level. Travis: Of so anyway, the short story is called 08:00 in the Morning, written by. Travis: Ray Nelson, otherwise known as Faraday Nelson, written in 1963. Travis: Okay, that makes sense. Travis: Ray lived from 1931 until like, last year, 2022. Chris: Wow. Travis: He was born in New York, high school in Michigan, college in Chicago. Travis: But he also studied in Paris, where he met Jean Paul Sartre. Other Chris: Oh, my God. Travis: And Simone de Beauvoir and Alan Ginsburg. Travis: So, like, you can really feel the influence from Jean Paul Sartre in this. Travis: That's definitely like, the stranger or nausea. Travis: He claims to have invented the propeller beanie hat. Other Chris: Another helicopter. Travis: Uh huh. Travis: Helicopter hat. Travis: A literal helicopter. Other Chris: A literal helicopter hat. Travis: Ray started out writing, like, Sci-Fi comics, and that's what I posted in the Skype and had multiple short stories published. Travis: He also adapted his six page story. Travis: Into a comic book called Nada in. Travis: 86, which, I don't know, that feels more like the source for how John Carpenter might have found out about it. Travis: Yeah, I kind of doubt he's like, what short stories were published in the 60s that I can make? Travis: Probably none. Travis: He also collaborated with Philip K. Travis: D*** on the Ganymede takeover. Travis: So he, like, knows everybody, including in one of his writers workshops. Travis: One of his students was Anne Rice. Travis: What? Chris: Oh, jeez. Danielle: That is the only name I've recognized in all of these names. Other Chris: Oh, what? Danielle: I know. Danielle: Anne Rice. Travis: Let's circle back to that in a second. Travis: This explains why Lestat was always wearing a propeller hat. Travis: That's what it was. Travis: So Philip K. Travis: D*** wrote the book that Blade Runner was based. Travis: You should know about. Danielle: I don't know them. Travis: You didn't take a French literature class ever? Danielle: Nope. Danielle: No French literature. Chris: I mean, I've heard of the name. Travis: You're not a big fan of the Beat poets? Travis: I have howl you never read on the Road and heard about Alan Guinness from oh, all right. Chris: Like, I didn't read on the Road, but Susie did in college in one of her lit classes. Chris: So when we did an on the Road inspired bunch of photos and went up to Minneapolis one time, it was pretty fun. Travis: Nice. Travis: Yeah, very nice. Other Chris: But sexy. Travis: Vampires. Danielle: Yeah. Danielle: That lady. Danielle: I know. Chris: And I saw her house in New Orleans when I went in 98, and we did a little city tour, and they said and this is Anne Rice's house. Chris: It has a hyena on its balcony, a hyena statue, because it annoys the neighbors. Chris: They were apparently rather nosy and bitchy and complained a lot about stuff, so she stuck it up there so they'd have to see it every morning. Chris: They woke up from their perfect yeah. Travis: Perfect level of pettiness schooling. Travis: Karen's, one day at a time. Chris: Yeah. Travis: So, yeah, again, this is like six pages and the basic beats on here. Travis: I could probably read it to you in just as much time. Travis: But George Nada gets too awakened by a hypnotist, and then he can see everything. Travis: He can see the fascinators. Travis: Yeah. Travis: And these are, like, reptilian green, four eyed aliens. Travis: They're basically, like, mind flayers. Travis: Like, they're sending psychic messages out to everybody. Travis: Like, we're your friends. Travis: Don't see us. Travis: Just obey what we're telling you watch your television, marry and reproduce. Travis: And they also seem to be eating people on occasion. Travis: Occasionally he keeps finding them with like forks and knives. Travis: Once it's suspected that he's awake, like a cop calls him, he's like, by the way, you're really old and you're going to die of a heart attack at eight tomorrow. Travis: Goodbye. Travis: So he goes on the run, hides out in a bar and then his girlfriend's house and has a quick timeout for some domestic violence. Danielle: Great. Chris: Okay. Travis: She's like, you're going crazy. Travis: Like slap, slap. Travis: Maybe you're going crazy. Travis: But he eventually discovers that their powers don't really work if they don't think it's going to work. Travis: So he gets on a broadcast and tells everyone's up. Travis: But then sadly, he doesn't live long enough to see the humans victory because he in fact dies at 08:00 the next morning of a heart attack. Chris: Oh, s***. Danielle: Oh, the main guy. Chris: Wow. Danielle: He didn't die of a heart attack. Travis: No. Travis: And that's one thing I wish they had kept. Travis: Yeah, I thought that was that was a nice Twilight Zone type ending. Travis: The movie. Travis: This one came out in 1988. Travis: John Carpenter says that his screenplay was like a direct response to Reaganomics and commercialism and yeah, I see definitely see. Other Chris: Some 80s excess and what I like. Chris: About it yeah, fashion show and all the other s***. Travis: I was shocked when it said it debuted at number one in North America. Travis: Really? Travis: But then I looked it up and it was like the only movie that came out that week. Travis: It was up against Mystic Pizza and Halloween Four, which had both been out for a couple of weeks. Chris: I feel like they're all about the same quality. Travis: The very next week, child's play came. Travis: Oh, and Ernest saves Christmas. Travis: So if it had been one week later, they would not have been number one. Chris: Wow. Travis: Followed quickly by Oliver and company. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Land before time. Travis: And then a couple of weeks later was Scrooged. Other Chris: Scrooge. Travis: So yeah, it found its niche. Chris: Company and Land were the movies. Chris: I saw that, you know, I saw. Travis: Billy Joel as a talking dog. Danielle: He was really good as a talking dog. Travis: And I saw Littlefoot's mom sad. Danielle: Spoiler alert. Travis: But I could have been seeing WrestleMania. Chris: My mom didn't like reading me that book because it made her cry when we had to do that part. Travis: There was a book. Chris: It's a children's adaptation with lovely pictures. Travis: Okay. Travis: Do we have to do the next this is our next book. Chris: Like Land before no, it's just the movie adaptation, but in a kids book. Travis: I got you. Chris: I don't think you could find it anymore anyway. Travis: Yeah, well, critics, I think, rightfully had a negative response to this movie. Chris: I'm not surprised as a movie. Chris: Yeah. Travis: But again, it developed a cult following and is apparently regarded as one of his best. Travis: Although I'm going to disagree slightly with. Travis: Wikipedia that it's like his best best. Travis: Yeah, maybe his most enjoyable. Chris: It's good social commentary, entertainment. Travis: Yeah. Travis: It could have been a short film, though. Chris: It could have, yes. Chris: Cut down on some of the steering. Travis: But yeah, they did. Travis: So you can't get rid of a fight. Chris: You got to have that. Travis: No, it doesn't work unless it's a 40 minutes fight scene. Travis: That works because every time you thought they were going to stop, you're not halfway through. Danielle: I was like, oh, look, they're buddies. Danielle: Oh, no, it is not. Danielle: They're still going. Other Chris: I will argue forever. Other Chris: It is the best movie fight scene. Travis: Yes, I'll die totally up there. Chris: Kind of realistic. Danielle: I liked afterwards, they both had bloody, swollen faces. Chris: That would happen. Chris: Normally. Chris: You're right. Chris: Normally you don't see that. Chris: But they trudged into that crappy hotel, both looking like they got the s***. Travis: Kicked out of them. Danielle: But then when they were cleaned up, then their faces weren't swollen anymore. Danielle: But until they cleaned up, they did look like they had gotten into it. Chris: For props, for some authenticity. Travis: And it's still had a lot of influence because we had all that Andre the Giant Obey street art that came out not so long ago and, like T shirts and stuff. Travis: Anyway, the budget of this movie was only $3 million. Travis: That's like a steal. Danielle: Yeah. Danielle: I can't believe it was even that, honestly. Travis: And it made 13 million in the North American box office. Travis: Still like, oh, nice. Travis: Totally successful. Other Chris: That is a smash back in the day. Chris: So that's, like, a lot. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So just some other thoughts from the movie. Travis: I think this is probably the most people to ever listen to a street preacher. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: For real? Travis: Yeah, I think five people were listening, and that's crazy to me. Chris: Do we even still have street preachers anymore? Travis: Yeah, well, there's a guy that would. Travis: Stand at the corner by the highway with a sign. Travis: At least shout at people who are parked there. Travis: So yeah, we have them. Chris: Okay. Travis: Yeah. Chris: I haven't seen one in years, but different market in Texas. Danielle: We get everything. Chris: Yeah, that's true. Danielle: We get all kinds, unfortunately. Travis: So, guys, can you imagine living in a world with a shrinking middle class? Travis: That's like being preyed upon by a select few rulers. Chris: You know? Chris: I can't really oh, wait a minute. Chris: That sounds awfully familiar. Travis: Yeah, it was a documentary. Danielle: Yeah, it's a documentary. Travis: And it happened in real time. Chris: People are obsessed with making money and status. Chris: Money is their god. Travis: Oh, wait, yeah. Danielle: I wish somebody would offer me something to sell out. Danielle: I want to try that out and. Chris: See how it feels for hundreds of millions of dollars. Travis: Yeah, like, try me. Danielle: Let's see. Danielle: Maybe I'll like it. Chris: And a potential trip somewhere. Chris: I mean, that might be okay. Danielle: Just hold your suitcase tight so that you can don't lose it on your trip. Chris: Don't forget to Travis the changing atmospheric composition. Travis: Oh, yeah, that's true. Travis: They're warming it up, right? Travis: Yeah, I guess that probably was the thing, because they were talking about how it was going to take them in until 2025 to take over. Danielle: 2025? Danielle: We're almost complete. Travis: But you can instantly travel through the universe. Travis: Couldn't you just bring, like, a gun back with you? Travis: Do we have to have the humans still here? Chris: Yeah, we entertain them and maybe they'll eat us in the future, but they. Travis: Could just capture us. Travis: We saw Planet of the Apes. Travis: We know how this goes. Danielle: Why did they want to come here and then work? Chris: It's what they do? Danielle: What were they doing? Travis: Well, that they weren't working? Chris: They're working to drive the human society in ways they want it to go. Travis: Yeah. Chris: And conspiring with the sellout elites for it so they can get all they were the worst. Travis: They got all the cushy jobs, the do nothing jobs. Danielle: If I was an alien and they're like, go do this, they're like, Can I have a different assignment? Travis: Like, you sound for it. Chris: You know what? Chris: You sound like you could join us. Chris: How would you like to make lots of money and sell out your kind? Chris: Like, what are we talking about here? Danielle: They should also be careful who they get to work for them in the elite. Danielle: Because that one guy was just like, here's all the secrets. Danielle: I'm just going to take you through and tell you everything. Danielle: And you're a street. Chris: Well, hey, he saw them there. Chris: I didn't know you guys were in on it. Danielle: Who is that guy? Chris: Totally forgot that was the guy watching the TV b******* about yeah. Travis: I only recognized the girl with the headache. Travis: Me too, sweetheart. Travis: When Rody Piper made his entrance into the film, danielle said, oh, he's got camel toe with a wiener. Chris: That was 80s jeans for fit men. Danielle: And then later, Travis is like, what do you know? Danielle: He sure does. Travis: He sure. Chris: I saw that, mom. Chris: I keep getting Instagram ads for, like. Travis: Apparently these new jeans. Chris: They're supposed to be this one company, the most comfortable jeans ever because they're super stretchy. Travis: Yeah. Chris: So that way they fit, but they don't crush your s***. Other Chris: Is that the tagline, like, kind of brand jeans? Chris: No. Travis: Pillow Pants? Chris: Unfortunately not. Danielle: And then they kept pulling it up. Danielle: It's like, yeah, let's make this tighter up there. Travis: Usually he would wrestle in a kilt so he doesn't know what's going on with pants. Chris: That's true. Travis: This was his first time wearing jeans. Chris: Right. Chris: Professional context. Other Chris: What are you talking about? Other Chris: The guy's canadian. Other Chris: You know, he knows denim. Chris: Sure does. Travis: He was born wearing the jean jacket. Danielle: I liked how he was, like, homeless, but he had all these different shirts. Chris: Yeah, he had a backpack. Danielle: He got some extra shirts because he. Chris: Went around working on yeah, they were so clean. Chris: He went around working on different construction sites. Travis: Right. Chris: He had money. Chris: He just didn't have. Chris: A place to stay. Travis: He had been in Denver for a while or whatever. Travis: Yeah, until the job started drying up and he walked to I guess that. Travis: Was was yeah, that was La. Travis: I figured he took a bus, used. Chris: Some of his last Denver money to get the bus there. Other Chris: No, he probably rode the know. Chris: Yeah, he could have done that. Other Chris: He walked out of the train depot from in the beginning. Travis: Yeah, it's true. Other Chris: F****** box card it. Travis: He did have a harmonica. Travis: I'm sure he talked to some hobos. Danielle: You know what though? Danielle: The biggest mystery is when he was wanted. Danielle: Where did they get that picture of him with like shorter hair somehow? Other Chris: That was from his college hockey days or something. Chris: Thought it was his old driver's license. Danielle: Who dug this up? Chris: Find this guy. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So how did the glasses change what he was hearing? Other Chris: I think it is just like you have to think of it as the hypnosis thing. Travis: Yeah. Chris: And it's rewiring your brain. Chris: That's why your head hurts after using them for a while. Travis: Yeah. Travis: It's like a drug, man. Other Chris: So you're able to hear afterwards just because you're more awake now and aware and before you maybe just wouldn't have noticed it or something. Other Chris: I don't know. Other Chris: Don't worry about it. Travis: Yeah, it's like that time that Riker was playing that one game with the discs go in the funnel and something nefarious was going on. Other Chris: Yeah, definitely not like just giving the whole enterprise weird o******. Chris: Yeah. Travis: Why don't they make that into a movie? Other Chris: They should. Travis: They should. Other Chris: The game. Other Chris: The movie. Travis: The game. Other Chris: You just lost. Chris: We'll just get you to say that. Chris: Chris. Travis: Chris just got everybody in. Travis: Game, so yeah. Travis: Guys, can you also imagine a world where police would harass the poor and homeless for no reason? Chris: Really? Chris: No, never so far fetched. Travis: Yeah. Chris: I can't believe it. Danielle: That's beyond they would do that. Travis: It's NIMBY the movie, you guys. Danielle: Especially not the white ones, right? Chris: No, not at all. Travis: It's just a work of fiction, I guess. Chris: Yeah, total fiction. Travis: I guess at first I was like, he really took a quick turn from. Travis: Being like, I just keep my head. Travis: Down and do the work to being like, I'm going to go into a bank with lots of guns. Travis: Yeah, but I guess it was that attack on the homeless camp that did it for him. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: Also, why didn't the guy that was sort of running it, that was in the homeless camp and then in the church, why didn't he try to recruit all of the homeless people so they could have had more people? Danielle: They didn't really do it. Danielle: And then they did not have a good club. Other Chris: I mean, you got to be careful who you let in, man. Other Chris: You don't know who to trust. Travis: Some of the humans were working for the aliens. Danielle: Yeah, it's true. Other Chris: Even some of the homeless. Other Chris: Well, no, because the one homeless guy. Chris: Well, they recruited that one guy. Travis: Yeah. Chris: So who knows? Danielle: I guess he did. Danielle: I guess they were, like, running out of people to choose. Danielle: I guess he's like last resort over there. Chris: Anybody sell out for the right price? Travis: Yeah, like including you. Danielle: Buy it for me. Travis: I want to see. Travis: And if you homeless if you homeless. Chris: You'Re going to take stability. Travis: Well, weren't they even trying? Travis: They were like, in the middle of making all those glasses to distribute to people. Travis: Yeah, they were trying. Chris: Right? Travis: They were trying. Danielle: Where were they sending them? Danielle: They were like, running off with those boxes. Danielle: Like driving away. Danielle: Like, who are you giving those to? Travis: I don't know, man. Travis: Maybe they had other chapters. Chris: Like maybe somewhere else you got to. Travis: That lady, like, f****** tried to murder. Travis: Him when she knocked him out that window. Other Chris: Oh, yeah. Travis: That was intense. Travis: Yeah, I guess it ended up making sense, but at the time, like, oh my God. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Just tried to knock him out and wait for the police to come, but no. Danielle: Murder him. Danielle: She wasn't a good one. Chris: Turns out she was supposed to be a love interest. Danielle: Yeah, but it didn't turn out that way. Chris: No happy endings, remember? Travis: No happy endings. Danielle: I was most sad about his buddy. Travis: Oh, yeah. Danielle: She just took him out. Travis: The only one that we know of that had a family. Danielle: Did you know that he started in a purple tank top and then later he was in a purple short sleeve shirt? Travis: So, like, purple was his, uh cause purple is the color of royalty. Travis: And it was Keith f****** David. Danielle: I feel bad for him, though. Danielle: He had to go from, like, fighting aliens straight into this. Travis: He still had a purple vest on when he's Dr. Travis: Facilier too, so that's just his thing. Danielle: He was wearing purple as the shadow guy, right? Travis: Shadow guy, yeah. Travis: And when he was a Gargoyle okay, maybe he was more blue. Danielle: But wait, he was a Gargoyle? Travis: Yeah, he was the gargoyle. Chris: He was goliath. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Yeah, I loved that too. Danielle: He was goliath. Chris: You can hear the voice now, right? Danielle: Yeah, I can. Travis: He was the cape or whatever. Travis: Or he trained the Cape or something. Danielle: I loved Gargoyles. Travis: What a great show. Travis: Whatever that show was that I only know about because of Community. Other Chris: Gargoyles was six seasons in a movie. Travis: Exactly. Chris: They got to get the movie out and they'll be okay. Danielle: Does they have six seasons? Travis: Yeah. Travis: No, that was oh, yeah. Other Chris: Community did community. Travis: Abed wanted the Cape to have six seasons, which is where. Other Chris: That whole thing comes from. Chris: Yeah. Travis: No, but they had a couple of seasons on, like, Yoohoo or Yahoo. Travis: Oh, man. Travis: If they were on Yoohoo, you had to buy cases of Yoohoo. Chris: And they're like comics doing the white trash Russians. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: Oh, man, totally. Danielle: Thing of my past. Other Chris: But only past. Danielle: Only the it could be a thing of your future. Travis: Yeah. Travis: You already have Duncaroos in our cupboard. Danielle: No. Danielle: The Dunkaroos are gone. Danielle: Simon ate them all. Danielle: Sorry. Travis: S***. Travis: Yeah. Chris: They brought back Travis. Chris: You got to get your own supply. Travis: I guess so. Chris: Can't leave them where the kids will find them. Chris: But they're not kangaroo crackers now. Chris: They're weird round. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: Yeah, they are. Chris: Like cookies. Chris: It's not as great. Travis: Yeah. Travis: It was at the time that we were just in love with Australian things like Crocodile Dundee and Outback Steakhouse and Duncaroos. Travis: Those shoes that had, like, the kangaroo. Travis: Pouch in them oh, yeah. Travis: That you could put one quarter into and could never get it out again. Other Chris: Yeah. Chris: With the kangaroo on it. Chris: Yeah. Chris: I remember those shoes. Travis: Make a phone call somewhere. Danielle: Then when they changed it to $0.35. Chris: They'Re like, well, our f*** now can't do it. Travis: That's when you got to start calling everyone collect. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: You should pay to talk to me. Travis: Daniel'S starting a 900 number. Travis: We're announcing it today. Chris: Okay. Travis: Why did that truck dump all that trash in the alleyway? Danielle: I don't know. Danielle: The back is open. Danielle: This is fine. Danielle: I just put that all in. Danielle: But whatever. Travis: Even if he didn't know the back was open, why did he tilt it. Chris: Up and then drive off with it? Travis: Up? Travis: Just drove up. Travis: I'm sure the first overpass, he was a massive accident. Chris: Yeah. Danielle: That was the cleanest trash I have ever seen in my life. Other Chris: I said that, too. Other Chris: Like, very clean trash. Chris: Hey. Chris: Because if I were Roddy Piper climbing in a trash, it ain't going to. Danielle: Be like he's like, yeah, I will not do this. Danielle: This is not my contract. Chris: That would be gross. Danielle: He's like, I'm not selling out for this. Chris: Exactly. Danielle: Hard no for me, hard no. Travis: Also, why did the aliens have a PKE meter? Travis: Are there also ghosts in this universe? Other Chris: Exactly. Danielle: Oh, yeah. Chris: That was pretty cool ghostbuster, right? Danielle: They were using it to find humans. Travis: Maybe. Travis: Are we ghosts? Travis: Maybe. Travis: We are. Travis: We dead the whole time. Travis: They live. Other Chris: You got a ghost inside you. Travis: Yeah, they live. Travis: We are scary ghosts. Other Chris: Oh, my God. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Also, like, at the end, was it implied that the alien influence is why people don't like George Romero and John Carpenter movies? Travis: Because the people on the news were like, oh, those guys suck. Danielle: Yeah, I liked that off screen, you look terrible. Danielle: What? Travis: I liked how much weight he thought that kind of thing carried. Travis: Like the old lady in the supermarket. Danielle: You look ugly for maldehyde face. Danielle: I'm like, you know what? Danielle: If you would have just like no one would know that you could see this. Chris: She's all like, he could see us. Chris: He's a tall white and there was, like, tall white male wearing a sunglasses. Travis: There's probably only one of them in La. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Or wherever they were. Travis: And they got that watch, and it made, like, a portal, and they were like underground, but then also in a banquet hall. Travis: Where did that take them? Chris: Under the cable building or whatever. Other Chris: If you're going to have a secret banquet hall, like, why not underground? Travis: It's secure. Travis: Got interstellar space travel there, too. Travis: Might as well. Chris: Yeah. Danielle: I hope nobody saw us go under here. Danielle: Like they all saw you. Danielle: Where do they think you went? Danielle: You jumped in a hole. Chris: Well, the rebel. Chris: Yeah, well, they just couldn't get in there. Travis: I also liked the readily available, like, assault weapons and Uzis and shotguns. Travis: But again, that's true to the short story, too. Travis: He just gets a bunch of guns. Danielle: Or it can be Texas present day. Other Chris: Yeah, I was going to say it's true to La. Other Chris: Back then. Travis: Yep. Travis: Oh, man. Chris: Nobody thought about it. Chris: It was fine. Travis: Yes, the movie is a delight and should be seen by everybody on the whole. Chris: Yeah, exactly. Travis: But it was so fun. Danielle: You know what? Danielle: I liked it better at the Face Odyssey. Travis: Okay. Chris: Like we said at the end, some flip b**** riding an alien pole favorite. Danielle: And I didn't even expect to like that one. Travis: Danielle's going start the bizarro AFI and have her own list of movies to actively avoid. Chris: It's not a bad idea. Danielle: I like to persuade people. Danielle: Like, yesterday we were at a holiday market and my sister and I are like, this holiday market is like, we go to this one every year. Danielle: This one's a really good one. Danielle: We're like, yeah, not like that nutcracker market. Danielle: Don't ever go to the one of this lady that's walking by. Danielle: She's like, I'm sorry, which one did you say you shouldn't go to? Danielle: Like the nutcracker market. Danielle: Like, it's really bad. Danielle: Like, don't go there. Danielle: Like, see, we're going to get all these people turned off of that Daniel by making comments. Travis: An influencer. Chris: There we go. Travis: An IRL influencer. Danielle: This is terrible. Danielle: Don't do it. Danielle: Don't watch it. Danielle: Watch something else. Danielle: Watch they live instead. Travis: I wouldn't be that angry if someone redirected me to they Live. Danielle: Yeah. Danielle: If you're going to watch the Space Odyssey or they live. Danielle: Watch. Travis: They live. Danielle: It's at least shorter. Travis: It is a little bit shorter. Travis: That's true. Travis: Any final thoughts on they live. Travis: 08:00 in the morning? Danielle: Like, where can I see more of that guy and things? Travis: Buddy Piper. Travis: Yeah. Travis: WrestleMania tapes. Travis: Yeah, I guess. Danielle: Was this like the only acting thing he did? Travis: I don't know. Chris: I think he maybe tried his hand at some other stuff, but this was the most popular one. Travis: Let's go to the IMDBA. Danielle: You know what if it is, though? Danielle: Like, John Cena succeeded where maybe he didn't because he's gotten to be in more movies. Travis: Roddy Piper is a rock. Danielle: Yeah, the rock, for sure. Travis: So that John Cena could run. Danielle: So they could run. Travis: Totally agree. Danielle: I think the thing is that Roddy Piper had too much hair. Danielle: You're going to be like a wrestler and be successful you got to have less, I guess. Travis: He is Canadian. Travis: That's the only hair he's allowed to. Chris: Have that exact style. Other Chris: Government issue hockey hair. Travis: Yes. Danielle: Look how old he is now. Chris: Yeah. Danielle: Picture. Travis: He was off my Internet's going super slow. Danielle: That Meg Foster. Danielle: Is she related to Jodie Foster? Other Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: Doubtful. Travis: There's a lot of people with the last name. Danielle: That was like a twist I didn't see. Danielle: I didn't expect her to be a. Other Chris: Bad one, even though she was the program director at the radio station or TV station where they're broadcasting all the bullshit from. Danielle: Right. Danielle: Just shot his best friend. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Oh, my God. Danielle: He was in all these things. Travis: He was in the green fairy as Oscar Wilde. Danielle: I've never heard of that. Danielle: I've never heard of that. Travis: And he was in portal to h*** as Jack. Travis: Oh, and he was in Adventure Time. Danielle: Okay, one episode counts. Travis: And he was in h***. Travis: Comes to Frogtown. Travis: See, there's lots of stuff we can watch. Travis: Wow. Travis: H*** comes to Frogtown. Travis: Perfect. Travis: Meg Froster. Danielle: Yeah. Danielle: Is she related to Jodie Foster? Danielle: Where's it tell us about her family. Danielle: She was born in Pennsylvania. Danielle: I don't think that Jodie Foster was. Travis: No, it doesn't look like Masters. Travis: She was Evil Lynn in Masters of the Universe. Chris: She was wait, find a real picture of her. Danielle: Her eyes. Danielle: That really that are they really that color? Danielle: Oh, my God. Travis: I thought they were contacts. Danielle: No, they look like they are that color. Travis: Her first thing that mentions in her IMDb brunette is that she's got blue eyes. Travis: They are very crazy, man. Danielle: Strikingly blue. Danielle: But you know what? Danielle: I can't forgive her. Danielle: What a b****. Travis: She was in Pretty Little Liars, and that's exactly what she was. Danielle: She was a pretty little liar. Travis: She was a pretty little liar. Travis: Anyway, any other final thoughts on this movie? Travis: Did I already ask that? Danielle: Yeah, you did. Travis: You did. Travis: Okay. Chris: I finally got to see it and got the origin of the bubblegum kick a** comment. Travis: Yeah. Travis: That's where Duke Newcomb got it from. Danielle: Bubblegum. Travis: So do you have any recommendations of other stuff? Travis: You could go see if you liked either of these films that are more in that genre. Chris: No, because I like possession movies. Travis: You like more of the scarier ones? Danielle: I don't watch s*** like this, so I have no idea. Travis: Yeah, I thought about although it's not nearly as fun for they Live, that movie that Charlie Sheen was in, the Arrival. Travis: Oh, yeah. Travis: Had a similar kind of vibe to it where you're kind of discovering, oh, s***. Travis: Aliens. Other Chris: Yeah, there they are. Travis: And for the thing, although it's not nearly as body horror centric it follows has that same kind of paranoia mistrust of people. Travis: Like, the bad guy in that movie always kind of creeps in from the background. Travis: You're never sure who's it at the. Other Chris: There'S I don't know if you want to go classic, like, there's like, Invasion of the Body Snatchers and that kind of. Travis: Yep. Travis: Although I guess Danielle would agree with me. Travis: They need more movies with Roddy Piper like this. Travis: I want to see a whole series of him. Danielle: I want to see him looking at other stuff, maybe fighting some other people, wearing different jeans. Travis: Yeah, nice. Danielle: Maybe having some jeans that fit. Chris: No, Amy, not part of his idioms. Other Chris: Exactly. Chris: It's part of his look. Travis: Yeah. Travis: You wouldn't know it's him, I guess. Chris: Exactly. Danielle: Like, oh, no. Danielle: Camel toe with wiener. Danielle: I don't like Roddy Piper. Other Chris: I honestly, really right now want to watch The Final Sacrifice. Travis: Oh, yeah. Travis: With or without MSD three K on it? Other Chris: Well, I mean, definitely with MSD. Travis: Three K. Travis: Okay. Travis: Rousedauer. Travis: Rousedauer. Travis: Wonder if there's beer on the sun. Travis: I could see Roddy Piper saying that in this movie. Danielle: Yeah, I just like those names. Danielle: Roddy. Travis: Yeah, Roddy. Travis: Good old Rowdy. Travis: Roddy Piper. Travis: All right. Danielle: Very outrageous. Travis: Fantastic. Travis: All right, Danielle, do you have anything else? Travis: That's good? Travis: I know you've got a hard stop. Danielle: I do. Danielle: I have to go ready myself just to freshen up. Danielle: I got my nose pierced. Chris: Do you think it's hard to see? Other Chris: We did see that. Danielle: Yeah, it was on the Facebook. Travis: Yeah. Danielle: Apparently on Friday the 13th, some of these tattoo piercing shops do, like, discounted stuff so that they get a lot of people to come in. Danielle: So it's only $13. Danielle: And I'm like, oh, what the h***? Danielle: I'll do it with my sister. Danielle: If I don't like it, I'll take it out. Danielle: But I like it, so I'm going. Travis: To keep it in. Travis: Nice. Travis: Cool. Travis: I think it's cute. Danielle: It doesn't fit my personality, though, like, at all. Danielle: Someone said someone that you'd think would know me, but my personality, I'm like, do you know me? Travis: I'm just glad you didn't come home with, like, a tiny dolphin tatoo. Danielle: Yeah, no, they were doing tattoos. Travis: Okay. Danielle: Also, I love it that I came home and I'm like, look at this. Danielle: And Levi's like, mom, why would you do this? Other Chris: You ruined. Danielle: So embarrassed that I did this. Danielle: And then, Simon, what do you think? Danielle: And he's like, it's mid. Chris: Wow. Travis: Okay. Danielle: Thanks, kids. Other Chris: Wow. Danielle: Yeah, they got a lot of opinions about things. Danielle: Every girl on your track team is going to think that I'm the coolest mom out there. Danielle: And here you are. Travis: You're not, like, a normal mom. Travis: You're like a cool mom. Chris: Right? Danielle: Yeah. Danielle: That's all, though. Danielle: I'm going to go take a shower now. Travis: That's pretty good. Danielle: I got to go do that because I got to give my hair enough time to dry, like, and put makeup on and figure out exactly which outfit I'm wearing. Danielle: Like, I've got two, and I don't know. Travis: All right. Travis: Okay, bye. Travis: Bye. Travis: Other Chris, do you have anything else that's good? Other Chris: I just saw killers of the Flower moon. Chris: About as good as everyone says it is. Other Chris: Incredibly good. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Lots of really good, slow burn pretty intense. Other Chris: I don't know. Other Chris: After the movie was over, I heard people walking out and talking about it and somebody was like, I had no idea what was going on for most of the movie. Other Chris: Like, oh, what? Travis: That's not good. Other Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: So you got nothing out of this? Other Chris: I guess. Other Chris: Cool. Travis: Unfortunately, shouldn't people have a basic general knowledge of this anyway? Travis: This is like historical. Other Chris: Apparently not. Other Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: I don't know why people aren't aware of it. Other Chris: I don't know. Other Chris: But yeah, I also don't know how you could watch this movie and not understand what's going on, I guess. Other Chris: Unless you're like, yeah, I don't know. Other Chris: Anyway, it was great. Other Chris: It was three and a half hours and it did not feel like that. Travis: Oh, that's good. Other Chris: Yeah. Other Chris: I was like, you read the book before. Other Chris: At some point I'm going to have to get up and pee, and I actually didn't. Travis: Wow. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Wow. Other Chris: Beginning to end. Other Chris: Yeah. Travis: I can't even make it through a two hour movie anymore. Travis: Yeah, but I made peace with that. Travis: Have you read the book before or just the Baby? Other Chris: I have not read the book. Other Chris: It is sitting downstairs. Other Chris: I think Sharon would like to read it. Travis: It's in the yeah. Travis: Yeah. Travis: I had never read it either, and I didn't know what it was about, but I was interested from the trailer. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Seemed pretty yeah, absolutely. Other Chris: So go watch it. Travis: I hear that Leo DiCaprio is playing like an idiot in it. Other Chris: I mean, he's very naive or something. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Easily manipulated. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So not his character from whatever that Boston movie was I can't think of now. Other Chris: Gangs of New York. Chris: No. Other Chris: Boston movie. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: Oh. Travis: Yeah, that one. Other Chris: The Departed. Travis: Yeah. Other Chris: I like how you said Boston. Other Chris: I'm like, immediately New York. Travis: Somebody in Boston is very offended by. Travis: Go, go f*** you up. Travis: Red Sox dunkin donuts. Travis: Get some Duncan go to socks game. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Listen, Neil diamond. Chris: Whatever. Travis: Well, cool. Travis: I know it's an Apple movie, but it's in theaters. Travis: Like, is it going to be on the Apple video thing? Travis: Can I watch it there? Other Chris: I assume you will be able to eventually. Travis: Yeah, probably check it. Travis: Cool, cool. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Chris, do you have anything else that's good? Chris: No, I'm supposed to be reading book for school, but I haven't gotten around to starting yet, which is too much s***. Chris: It's Refugee. Chris: The kids are going to read it later, but my principal, my AP wanted me to read it so we can start planning for it. Chris: I'm just tired a lot. Other Chris: It is that time. Chris: I don't have a lot of extra time to do s*** because I got. Travis: To upgrade and plan. Travis: Yeah. Chris: I did get AC Mirage Friday, so I was playing that a little bit. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Oh, assassin's Creed. Travis: Yeah, I heard it's short. Travis: Yeah. Travis: For an AC game. Chris: Cheaper too. Chris: Was like $50 instead of the 70 they go for now. Travis: Yeah. Chris: So like ten years ago. Chris: It wasn't 40, but it's smaller, but it's a lot more. Chris: They did bring back a lot of the more traditional gameplay, so that's good. Travis: Nice. Chris: It's been good doing that. Chris: Nice to have that back. Chris: But I'm only a few hours into it, so we'll see how it goes. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Well, how long was the Vikings one? Chris: It was like a million hours, 50 hours. Chris: I put 200 into it. Other Chris: Oh, God. Chris: Finished it. Chris: But then they finally added an ending, so I technically didn't finish the game, but I finished the game as it was made when I finished it in 2022, where you watch where you find out where the king went and that he was certain stuff and he goes. Travis: Off and then you're done. Chris: But there wasn't an ending yet. Chris: And I don't feel like powering up the old Xbox and or downloading it onto the new one to play the actual ending. Chris: So I put 200 hours into that game. Chris: It was insane. Chris: 100 to 150 if you don't dawddle sit around for a while like I do sometimes. Chris: It was insane. Travis: Amount of time. Travis: The speed run is 90 hours. Chris: Yeah, too big. Chris: So now it's back down to a manageable amount, probably. Chris: And you're just in Baghdad and environs, like, areas around it. Chris: It's not a huge, huge map. Chris: That's cool. Chris: There's enough there. Chris: It's pretty cool. Chris: It does remind me a lot of gameplay from Assassin's Creed Two, which is what people have been wanting. Travis: Right. Chris: And I don't have all the stuff yet to do. Chris: Like, I don't have the smoke bombs yet and things like that. Chris: And there's still a skill tree, a bit like they've got from the newer games. Chris: So I have to save up to get some stuff I want, but I'm back to being able to headshot people with, like, daggers throwing a dagger. Other Chris: Nice. Chris: I'm pretty happy with story is good so far. Travis: Yeah. Chris: Boston. Chris: I know what happens to him from Valhalla, so I know who he becomes. Chris: But I know s***, too, why he has this nightmare all the time. Chris: I'm like, I know what that is. Chris: It's not manifesting, but I know what that is, so I know who you are in the future. Chris: But it's a good story so far. Travis: Fun place. Chris: Like, half of it's in Arabic. Chris: Yeah, because they keep saying Arabic phrasing about stuff with God. Travis: I'm like that's. Chris: Interesting. Chris: This is the 9th century, so it's pretty cool stuff. Travis: Yeah. Travis: I hear that the codecs in the game is actual historical knowledge about stuff. Travis: So you could actually learn from playing this game. Chris: Yeah, it pops up a lot. Chris: You get a lot from a lot of things. Chris: And it has a neat feature. Chris: So you do the read the entry and you can hit Y and expands it out. Chris: And then you hit right bumper and it takes away the data page so you can see the whole picture of what they're using. Chris: Like artifacts and real places and stuff from that time period. Chris: It's pretty neat. Travis: Cool. Chris: I really like that feature. Chris: Yeah. Travis: Now they just need to actually send your consciousness back in time. Chris: If only they could do that. Travis: Wake your ancestral DNA and use that. Travis: Yeah. Chris: If only it was real. Chris: That'd be fantastic. Chris: Fantastic. Travis: Then you could do assassin stuff when you came back or whatever. Travis: Yeah, it'd be cool. Chris: I wish I could. Chris: If only I'd be happy fighting against the Templars or whoever the f*** they'd be. Other Chris: Oops, weird lizard aliens. Travis: You'd be one of the fascinators. Chris: Yeah. Chris: There'd have to have been an ISU for all that to work out. Chris: And all of our best evidence doesn't point to any kind of hominids existing at a high level civilization million years ago or whatever it was 250,000 years ago. Chris: There's no evidence. Chris: There would be. Travis: Can't win them all. Chris: No Atlantis kids. Chris: Sorry. Travis: Next time, maybe. Chris: Yeah. Chris: I'll have to get some babysitter deer homs because I see them online and at coin shows. Chris: I'll have to get a couple from my collection. Chris: They're simple, but they're nice. Travis: Feel like you have to yeah. Travis: Coins, coins, coins. Travis: I had a couple of audiobooks that I've listened to recently that are kind of in line with like a spooky season type thing. Travis: So I listened to how to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix. Travis: He's written a handful of kind of. Travis: Like horror movie inflected books, like The Final Girls Club or something like that. Travis: But. Travis: This one was kind of interesting. Travis: It was about a girl whose mom had some sort of like lamb chop type of puppet success locally. Travis: This puppet that she did kids shows for, it was famous for she and her husband pass away, and she has to go back and get their house ready to sell. Travis: But her no account brother actually is. Travis: Inheriting the house and not going to give her any money or whatever and has to deal with a bunch of crap with their house. Travis: And as you might have guessed from the title, like, some spooky s*** starts happening involving puppets and whatnot. Other Chris: Lamb chop puppet. Travis: Lamb chop puppet. Travis: Dolls and stuff. Travis: And like taxidermied things in the house. Other Chris: Oh, God. Travis: Depending on what part of the story I was in, I was enjoying it more or less. Travis: I liked the beginning set up, talking about just the relationship the main lady had with her parents and how her mom always used to read her The Velveteen Rabbit and she would cry every time because she hates that book. Travis: And it's so sad. Other Chris: Yeah, it is sad. Travis: And her mom misinterpreted that as being her favorite book. Other Chris: Oh, god. Travis: And how she's like, I'm never going to subject my kid to this. Travis: But the first book that her mom gets for her kid is, of course, the Valentine Rabbit. Other Chris: Oh, man. Chris: Right? Travis: But now she uses it to get her to get ready for bed at night or else we won't read this book. Travis: It's a very succinct type of exploration of like, well, I'm never going to be like my parents, but I'll be slightly different. Travis: Yeah. Travis: So I enjoyed that. Chris: And then you realize there's some maybe good points. Travis: There's maybe a reason why they did it. Travis: But yeah, there's also a section where you find out what her brother was doing in the years that he dropped out of college, which I think are. Chris: Really best or something. Chris: That would be my guess. Travis: Really interesting exploration of puppetry and art and committing to it. Travis: And I think they play it straight, but a very tongue in cheek section, talking about how he started, like, this puppet collective that they were doing, like, radical avant garde art. Travis: And they get hired to do, like, a fourth grade puppet show, and they use it to talk about the war in Iraq and how all of these innocent kids are dying and getting bombed and they have the giant Grim Reaper. Chris: Wow. Travis: Terrorizing the kids. Travis: And then talking about how the principal is a big phony because he doesn't pay them. Chris: I wouldn't pay for that show. Chris: That's not what we agreed on. Travis: Maybe so I liked it a lot. Travis: Up until the point where it tipped all the way into horror. Travis: And I'm like, okay, finish it out. Travis: But mostly it was good. Other Chris: Yeah, cool. Travis: The other one I just finished is. Travis: Called House of Hollow by Crystal Sutherland. Travis: And this is one that I just got because of, like a two for one sale on Audible, but it looked interesting. Travis: It's about three sisters who on a random New Year's Eve, just disappear and. Travis: Are gone for several weeks. Travis: And then they come back and they're found, like, on a street naked, and. Travis: All of their hair has turned white. Travis: And their dad is pretty convinced that they are changelings and slowly goes insane and kills himself. Travis: Oh, yeah. Travis: And so that's all, like, backstory to the book, but this focuses on the oldest sister disappearing again and the other two trying to figure out what happened to her and what's going on. Travis: So a lot of it for me was like, trying to figure out, well, how far off of the deep end are we going with this? Travis: Is it like a child abduction type thing? Travis: Are we going to find out it was like a family member or a crazy person who later just came back to finish the job or whatever? Travis: Or how far are we tilting over here? Travis: Because they talk about how they're always hungry, like they can never eat enough, their hair is different. Travis: People do stuff that they ask them to do and can't resist not doing it. Travis: So I'm like, okay, well, are they vampires now? Travis: Are they mermaids or something? Travis: Like sirens? Travis: Are they changelings? Travis: Are they ghosts? Travis: Did they die? Travis: Who are these people? Travis: Because they have no memory of it, right? Travis: Just. Travis: Kind of exploring their past while trying to find their sister. Other Chris: Interesting. Travis: It took its time building up to what actually happened, and I thought it had a pretty decent payoff. Travis: Okay, cool. Travis: So if you need a spooky type of thing, I can recommend that one. Travis: Okay. Travis: All right, guys. Travis: Well, I got to go figure out what the f*** I'm wearing, too. Travis: Yeah. Travis: Okay. Other Chris: That you do figure it out. Travis: I guess I'll just wear this. Travis: It's fine. Travis: Yeah? Travis: Yeah. Travis: I'm sure Danielle will love that. Other Chris: Danielle will not be upset by that at all. Chris: She will not have a problem. ChrisChris: Right? Travis: Yeah. Travis: This is what I look like. Travis: Okay. Travis: Yeah. Travis: It's supposed to capture me idealize you. Travis: Yeah, fine. Travis: Okay. Travis: That was our session for today only. Travis: Homework for this time is to go find someone who hasn't seen these movies and watch them together. Travis: And if they refuse, drag them into an alley and kick the s*** out of them until they agree. Travis: Make sure to bring popcorn for on second thoughts, today a rare occasion where the second thought comes from somebody else. Travis: Other Chris mentioned in our Slack chat that he forgot to bring up his favorite pop culture reference to they Live when we were recording. Travis: So to remedy that, I'm putting a link to the scene in question in. Travis: The What Else is Good? Travis: Section. Travis: So if you aren't already there, go to Rtfbpod.com, pull up this episode and go find those links. Travis: Or if you're listening on YouTube, first of all, why? Travis: But also those links are in the description area instead. Travis: Today's episode is secretly telling Chris chris Ham to marry and reproduce is influencing Chris other Chris Jacobson to work 8 hours, play 8 hours, and sleep 8 hours has already convinced Danielle neither Chris Rowe that money is her god. Travis: It was edited by me, Travis Rowe, or at least a convincing copy of me, and was sponsored by no one in particular. Travis: Until next time, keep f******. Travis: It's dying under there. Travis: Let's go. Travis: All right, I'm going to take the good chair. Travis: Do it. Travis: I've been sitting on a footstool back. Danielle: On the floor and see how fast. Travis: You get a cat in cardboard. Travis: Oh, no. Danielle: What happened? Travis: Don't throw it down there. Travis: And they're going to start scratching it now. Travis: Immediately. Travis: Take that out of here. Travis: Take that with you. Travis: Put the glasses on. Travis: You take that cardboard or you start. Danielle: Eating that was there cardboard on the floor? Travis: Must come out immediately. Travis: D*** cats.